
{Sweet Pea's Apple}

Sweet Pea's very chuffed with herself for starting to eat apples 'whole'. Up until now, she'd only had them grated (or pureed), but Princess Pea brought out an apple from preschool the other day and the little one went crazy for it.  Since Princess Pea and I were busy trying to get her dressed to come home, the apple seemed like a good way to keep Sweet Pea occupied in the coatroom, so we let her have it to play with. Sure enough, she bit right in and scraped away at it with those little front teeth, like a squirrel. Worked like a charm at keeping her busy the whole time. She loved it! And was not at all happy when her big sister was ready to have it back. So when we got home, I got Sweet Pea her own apple, and just peeled it all the way around and gave it to her like that. She thought it was great! She nibbled, scraped, munched, and rolled it all over the kitchen!