We made these Easter bunnies last year for our Easter Egg Hunt craft. Thought I'd share them as I ponder what to do this year. These were actually the 'rough draft' version, the final ones were cuter, but I don't have a picture - in the end we added googly eyes and small white pom-pom tails (the tails on these were cotton balls cut in half).
The children who made them ranged in age from 2 1/2 to 6, and they all were able to get involved. I had prepared all the pieces ahead of time, so they just painted and glued at the party.
So, here's how:
Prep (depending on the age of the children, you may want to do this or you may want them to do it themselves): Cut out white ear shapes (like long petals) and pink ear shapes a bit smaller than the white. Draw a bunny face onto a make-up remover pad (you could also use white card). Bunny faces are easy - a round nose, a 'peanut'-shape under the nose, a couple of buckteeth and some whiskers.
Then, this is the part the kids did at the party:
1. Paint a toilet paper roll (or cut a paper towel roll) with white paint (we used acrylic). Let dry. (This is when we went hunting for eggs.)
2. Glue the pink ear bits on top of the white ear bits and glue the ears onto the inside back of the roll. (We used glue sticks.)
3. Glue googly eyes onto the face and glue the face onto the roll near the top.
4. Glue a white pom-pom (or cotton ball) onto the back of the roll at the bottom.
Super easy and cute! (though Sweet Pea didn't think so, judging by the look on her face in this picture!)

This post is linked up at Childhood 101, Tot Tuesdays, ABC&123, The Play Academy, Best Toys for Toddlers (see the sidebar for links to these great resources) and at Texas Monkey, Funky Polka-dot Giraffe, It's Playtime, and Home & Family Friday, below.