I'm a bit late in the day getting this posted, as I've got two sick peas, a long to-do list, a trip to the doctor, and a dreary rainy day here.
Anyway, our 5-A-Day Books for this week are:
(pssst - don't know about the 5-A-Day Books Challenge yet? Check it out over on the sidebar at the right.)
Toes, Ears, and Nose: A Lift the Flap Book by Marion Dane Bauer, illustrated by Karen Katz (a rhyming book of body parts and clothing items - I thought this would be good for Sweet Pea's developing vocabulary)
Shake My Sillies Out by Raffi, illustrated by David Allender (one from Raffi's Songs to Read collection, and of course rhyming)
I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossett-Shustak, illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church (also rhyming, and also with lots of body parts vocab)
Smile, Baby, Smile by Moira Butterfield, illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw (another rhyming one - hmmm, they're all in rhyme this week)
and for last one I picked a poem instead of a book. There are two reasons for this: 1) Daddy Pea brought home a book of poetry (not this one, it was Shel Silverstien's Where The Sidewalk Ends) from work to read to Princess Pea and she's loving it, and 2) It's shorter to read than a book so hopefully we can get all 5 read every day!
So the poem is from the book The Ice Cream Store: Poems by Dennis Lee, illustrated by David McPhail, and the poem is titled The Dangerous Tale of the Dinosaurus Dishes (I'm really trying to introduce more dinosaur-related learning to my kids since I discovered that Princess Pea didn't know the word 'dinosaur' at age 3 1/2. Ooops!)
See what others are reading for the 5-A-Day Books Challenge this week here.