Our 5-A-Day Books Challenge choices for this week:
Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton (we're repeating this one as it didn't get read so much last time)
We're Going On A Bear Hunt by Michael Ross, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury - Princess Pea finds this scary and I had to promise to only read it in the mornings over breakfast, never at night! But it's such a fun story that I've been trying to get her to let me read it to her for a year and half now, so far unsuccessfully! So this is my way to squeeze it in.
Old McDonald Had A Farm illustrated by Ben Mantle (this was another of our recent Usborne purchases and makes sounds - very fun!)
I Love You Because You're You by Liza Baker, illustrated by David McPhail - sweet rhyming text, great for snuggles on Mummy's lap.
And another poem from The Ice Cream Store by Dennis Lee, illustrated by David McPhail, this one is titled Maxi and the Taxi
You can check out our past 5-A-Day books here, and read more about the challenge here if you like.
PS - I posted this from my phone, which is why it looks so terrible! Sorry! Won't be doing that again any time soon!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone