You all guessed right yesterday - that rainbow of crayons in the Wordless Wednesday picture
was for a purpose: making homemade crayons!
Remember those fab crayons I made a while back, following directions from Frog, Goose, and Bear?
Well, they were and still are fantastic. Sweet Pea uses them almost every day. We love them!
They are the perfect size for her hands; they make thick, bold, satisfying marks without having to put
a lot of pressure on them; and they are pretty and swirly. All around perfect.
So, wouldn't they make great party favours?
Wouldn't they be fun in different shapes?
Wouldn't they be absolutely perfect in berry and fruit shapes as favours for Princess Pea's upcoming
Strawberry Shortcake birthday party?
Well, that won't be happening.
Back to the drawing board....