How exciting, my first award! Thanks so much to Aleacia of Dilly-Dali Art for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award! This makes my Happy Monday!
As part of the deal, there are 4 things I must do upon receiving this award:
1. Thank the person who gave me the award, and link back to their blog. No problem!
2. Share 7 things about myself that my readers probably don't know.
Ok, here goes:
- I have lived in 5 different countries so far.
- I hate cooking, it stresses me out.
- I dream of quitting my day job and opening my own children's play centre instead.
- I breastfed Princess Pea until she was 18 months, and plan to go at least that long with Sweet Pea. At 13 months, we're still going strong.
- I'm stubborn. Just ask Mr Pea.
- I stay up too late and drink more coffee than I really should.
- I don't always finish things I start. I often leave projects unfinished, and have even not read the final chapter of favourite books because I don't want them to end.
3. Choose 10 bloggers to pass this award on to and link up to their blogs.
Ok, after much deliberation here is my list:
Emma at Frog, Goose, and Bear - Emma has fabulous ideas to share on everything from kids' parties to dinnertime!
Abbie at Greening Sam and Avery - Abbie is a mom on a mission to teach her girls to get outdoors, embrace nature, and appreciate our earth. I admire that so much!
Jamie at Hands On: As We Grow - Jamie is encouraging play-based learning through her blog and has lots of fun, creative ideas for little ones!
Anna at The Imagination Tree - Anna might just be the most creative person I've ever come across! She has fantastic art ideas for kids of all ages!
Andrea at Jada Roo Can Do - Andrea is a mommy dedicated to providing her daughter with rich learning experiences, and she's sharing them with you, too!
Jenny at Let The Children Play - Jenny advocates play-based learning on her blog and at her progressive education preschool. Love her educational philosophy!
Cathy at Nurturestore - Cathy shares lots of wonderful ideas for play and learning!
Sarah at Oesch and Doots - I love Sarah's quiet, peaceful approach to parenting and life! Reading her blog always makes me feel calm and inspired at the same time! :-)
Kate at Picklebums - Kate has a great sense of humour about kids and life, and her posts always make me smile!
Catherine at Sunhats and Wellie Boots - Aside from loving her blog title, there is plenty of creative play inspiration to be found here!
4. Contact and notify those bloggers. Will do.
It's all about sharing the love! Thanks again, Aleacia!