Woohoo! We have a winner for our summer crafts book giveaway!
Princess Pea enjoyed picking out the winning name. In truly low-tech fashion, I wrote each entry on a piece of paper, put them in Sweet Pea's shape sorter box, and Princess Pea pulled out the winning one. She opened it up and did her best to tell me the first letter of the name. (It was a hard one. She didn't know it.) After that, she wanted to open all the names to try to read the first letters.
Anyway, on to the important stuff! The winner of the Summer Things To Make And Do book from Usborne independent representative Maria Laza is ..... (drum roll) ... Tkatka! Congratulations! Tkatka, please send me an email by Wednesday, June 1st, with your full name and mailing address to forward to Maria, and she will ship the book to you. My email address can be found in the tab up top under 'contact'.
Yay for Tkatka! Yay for books! Yay for summer! And Yay for Maria for donating this wondeful book to give away!
If you live in Hungary and are interested in hosting an Usborne book party like I did, please contact Maria. She also holds book sales for schools and organisations. She has a great selection and also places custom orders for individuals. She can tell you everything you need to know and do to hold a sale or book party, and you also get free books as host! (or, in the case of a school, the school library gets free books.) It's also a fun excuse to throw a party! ;-) I'm sure I'll be doing another one next year!

(This is not an Usborne sponsored post.)