{Guest Post - Bird Feeder}

A guest post for you today from Michelle of Michelle's Charm World - but I'll let her introduce herself to you ... 

Hello everyone!! I'm Michelle of Michelle's Charm World, a blog of fun and creative crafts for kids. I have 3 kids ages 6, 5 and 3 and I love to create with them and help them explore the world around us! My joy in life is having their eyes light up with understanding when they learn how something works. I am honored to be here on Mama Pea Pod as your guest poster and hope that you enjoy the craft we will be working on today!

Make Your Own Bird Feeder

It's garage sale day and we have been out here since the wee hours of the morning! We've been prepping and staging and having a blast, but after so many hours, the kids get bored, even with their lemonade stand thriving! I decided since we were outside, it was the perfect time to do another bird feeder. We had made our previous one out of a recycled lid and wanted to try something different this time around. I went through my trusty recycle bins and found just what I needed! A strawberry container, that is plastic. This was deeper than the lid and allowed us to put in a different variety of seed than what we had in the other feeder. Please forgive my photos and messy table as we are working in the garage with my cellphone, so that we can man the sale too!

Let's gather our supplies! I used Scissors, Tape, Rope (Use twine, string anything you can find!) and our container! Everything I found in our garage, how cool is that!? A craft project that we can do outside, while not having to go in at all!!

Now let's get some holes put in 2 opposite sides (I think it would hold better if you put holes and string through all 4 sides, but with running the garage sale, I was constantly stepping away from the craft table and I didn't want them to have to wait too long. This part is too hard and too sharp for little hands, you could definitely do it with a hole punch to make it easier!

Next, it's time to tape up the holes on the bottom. I turned it upside down and just put one layer all the way around. This is a great job for the little ones if someone holds it steady and the other goes with the tape. You don't have to cover the entire length of the holes, since this allows for water to drain if it rains too much! (We're not making a bird bath here!!) You are all set now!! It's time to put your feed or whatever you would like to put in here!

 Since our other feeders all hold seed, we wanted to try a different type of thing and went with peanut butter covered apples and then sprinkled seed over the top. We left the youngest one with this job and gave him a jar of peanut butter and a plastic spoon to work with, he did his best as you can see above!

Time to hang them up! We put them in the basket just as the little guy did them and hung it up for him to see! It was just about nap time for him, so as soon as he went down, the older ones then swooped in to finish them up and get the apples really coated and sprinkled with seed! I wish I had taken a final photo, but of course we got swamped and the big kids wanted lunch and all was forgotten! haha! It did look really great and was so much fun to do. 

Thanks for letting me visit with you all and I hope you enjoyed this simple craft!


Thanks so much to Michelle for guest posting! Be sure to check out her blog, as she has tons of fun and creative ideas to share! You can also find her on Twitter @MichellesCharmW or Facebook
