{Summer To-Do List}

Anyone who knows me, knows how I love to make lists :-D  For any given project, I usually have so many lists that I have to make a list of my lists, so that I don't forget any ;-p (I'm serious.)

I've got several taped to my kitchen counter right now in fact: Things to Pack for Croatia (that one can come down now); Things to Pack for Canada; Things to Bring Back from Canada; and my latest, Things to Do this Summer.

Ok, so I know that summer has already started, but we've just been too busy enjoying our summer beach vacation :-) (I'll write a separate post for that) to make an official summer bucket list until now. But now that we're back and gearing up for our 'real' summer, I've been making a list of things we'd like to do. (I actually made it today during our 8 hour drive home from the beach.)

I'll probably add to this as we come up with more ideas, but here's what we've got so far:

[Please note that this post contains one or more sponsored links]

Read the original A.A.Milne Winnie the Pooh book to Princess Pea

fizzing paint fizzing

Make fizzing sidewalk paint (hmmm...will need to find a sidewalk for this one)

Do a book-related craft with Princess Pea

Make a craft from one of our Usborne Things To Make and Do books

Make Eric Carle tissue paper prints

Eat lobster and mussels

Go swimming, lots

Run through the sprinkler

Visit the Natural History Museum

Collect shells at the beach

Go to a U-pick farm

Make a cake

Make ice-cream sandwiches (like in Princess Pea's favourite Strawberry Shortcake movie)

Paint our faces with face paints

Have a playdate with Jada Roo

Make a sensory tub (or two) for Sweet Pea

Visit the library

Swimming lessons for Princess Pea

Make fruit/vegetable prints

and one just for Mummy and Daddy:

Go to the movies (haven't done that in years!)

Come Together Kids


Linking to:
ABC & 123's Show and Tell
Come Together Kids' Summer Fun Party