{Bundle Up and Hit the Beach!}

I mentioned before that we are visiting grandparents this summer. First in Toronto, and then in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Nova Scotia is almost an island on the east coast, not quite surrounded by the Atlantic. Living in a landlocked country, the ocean is not something that my little peas see much of, except on vacations. I was so excited to take them to the beaches here! I had visions of collecting bucketloads of shells to take home and ideas of what to do with the shells when we got there.

Unfortunately, we haven't had much shell-collecting luck here after all. There are almost no shells on the beaches here! What there is, however, is very, very cold water! And fog. And frigid Atlantic winds. In most places, when people arrive at the beach, they strip off to their swimsuits. Not here. Here when you arrive at the beach, you bundle up in jeans, hoody sweatshirts, and maybe even wellie boots! At least that's what we do!

Yes, there are some crazy local kids splashing in swimsuits in the background!
And yes, it is so foggy that you can barely see the ocean from the beach!

Nevertheless, we've been to three beaches so far. Not many shells, but we've had some really nice times digging around, checking out the different types of seaweed, finding bits of crab legs, and throwing rocks into the water.


So, we won't be doing a lot of shell crafts after all, but we have a few shells, and we've got a bucketload of other treasures to play with instead.