School is starting oh so soon. :-(
As we work towards recovering from our jetlag before then, we have been having midnight crafting sessions!
A couple of nights ago we made sparkly flower pipe cleaner rings and pencil toppers at 1:30 am.
I followed this link to a YouTube video tutorial from Simple Kids' Crafts for making the flower rings.
Leave a couple of inches on the ends, and twist the pipe cleaner into loops to make flower petals (you can use a pencil to bend the loops around, or just do it by hand). Then twist the ends together and loop it round your finger. Twist to secure, making sure the pointy bits don't poke you. A dab of glitter glue makes them sparkle!
Then we just adapted them into pencil toppers too, winding the ends around a pencil a few times. Because you know, writing is all the more fun if you've got a fancy, sparkly, flower topper on your pencil!
And there you have it - so easy they can even be done in a semi-conscious state!
They'd make great little gifts for new classmates or teachers, no?

Linking to: Sun Scholars, ABC & 123, It's Playtime, Sunday Showcase, I Can Teach My Child, Come Together Kids, Pinterest Tuesday, Back to School Traditions, Kids Art Explorers