{Pumpkin Suncatcher Jack-O-Lantern Play}

*Be sure to check out all the Halloween fun we have for you!

halloween pumpkin jack-o-lantern play sun catcher

These jack-o-lantern suncatchers are so easy to make that our 19 month old made this one, and it even has moveable parts so that the face can be re-made as many times as she likes!

draw a pumpkin shape on black craft foam

First I drew a pumpkin shape outline onto black craft foam...

cut out the foam pumpkin shape

.... and cut it out.

tape contact paper to the table

Then I cut a piece of contact paper (the sticky-backed, clear plastic stuff you put on book covers) and taped it sticky side up onto the table to hold it in place.

(I can't remember where I first got the idea of using contact paper from, but there are some lovely contact paper craft ideas here, and here. You could also do a laminated version instead.)

young child making a tissue paper sun catcher craft

Then Sweet Pea and I tore up some orange crepe paper into small pieces (she loved helping with this!). Tissue paper works too, but crepe paper is thicker so makes a more vibrant orange colour.

orange tissue paper sun catcher

Then Sweet Pea covered the whole contact sheet with pieces of the orange crepe paper. I had to fill in a few holes at the end, but otherwise she did it by herself. The pieces of paper overlap slightly, which gives the pumpkin a textured appearance. Then I put another piece of contact paper on the top (sticky side down).

double sided sticky tape on craft foam

Next I used double sided tape around the foam pumpkin to attach the contact paper 'sandwich' and trimmed the edges.

pumpkin tissue paper sun catcher

 I just taped it onto the window, and the sun shines through the crepe paper, making it 'glow' orange!
It makes a great Halloween or Thanksgiving decoration as is, or you can take it one step further...

jack o lantern face on tissue paper sun catcher

Finally, I cut out a few foam shapes and let her use water to stick them on to the contact paper (as we did with our foam window clings). They can easily be removed and reattached with just water!

Endless jack-o-lantern play!

For more seasonal inspiration, follow my Halloween and Fall pin board.


This post was featured in the Inspired By Family magazine!