Fall finally arrived here on Friday. Now that the weather has suddenly cooled off, I've equally suddenly realised that Halloween is just around the corner and I have nothing prepared outside of my head and my Halloween Pinterest board! haha
So it's time to jump into action and put some of these fun ideas into practice! And time to start thinking about Halloween costumes!
We picked up Princess Pea's yesterday - she's so thrilled with it she's been wearing it since the minute we got in the door. I won't share it with you just yet, but in the meantime, I've been going through pictures from Halloweens past and will share some of our kids' past costumes with you instead. Would love to see some of yours, too! If you have any costume posts, please leave a link in the comments section!
2010: Sweet Pea (aged 7 months) as a caterpillar/butterfly and Princess Pea (aged 3) as Princess Pea (!)
2009: Princess Pea (aged 2) as a ladybug
2008: Princess Pea (aged 16 months) as a monkey (and oh! was she ever!)
2007: Princess Pea (aged 4 months) as a lamb
You can find some more costume ideas on my Halloween Pinterest board. And share your halloween costume related links or ideas in the comments below!