Do you know the book Clara Caterpillar by Pamela Duncan Edwards?
We borrowed it from the library and Princess Pea loved it!
It's full of fun alliteration for 'C' sounds, and the story is about a 'plain' cabbage caterpillar
that ends up saving the day and becoming a hero.
As we were reading it one day, Princess Pea decided that she wanted to be Clara Caterpillar,
she started acting out the story as I was reading it...
Here she is in her egg.
Here she's eating the cabbages.
Little Sister kindly helped her build a chrysalis by wrapping her in tissues.
Then she emerged from the chrysalis as a plain, white butterfly.
Daddy Pea had to step in to be the nasty crow that tries to eat the butterflies.
And finally, Clara Caterpillar saves the day and becomes the butterfly hero!
She had so much fun acting out the story! I think this may become a regular part of our story times!