My two little peas can never get enough of playing in the outdoor kitchen!
Sometimes stirring and baking and 'cake' decorating are all there is to it.
And sometimes, it leads to other adventures...
"We need some really, really, REALLY big leaves for plates, Mama!"
"Let's go find some!"
"There's some way up there!"
"Wheeee! Look, look, Mummy! Hill! Look! Wheeee!"
"I found some really big leaves under that tree!"
"Oh, wow, those are really big! Hold still so I can take a picture of them!"
"Alright, that went well. Let's move on, shall we?"
"Oooh, what's this spikey thing on the ground here?"
"Look! It must have fallen off that tree!
It has some kind of little nuts in it! I wonder what they are."
"I found one on the ground, look!
They look a bit like...what are those nuts called again?"
"Yes, they look a bit like hazelnuts!"
"I found another really big leaf, and look who's living on it!"
"Oh, a dandilion! Hey, it's not summer!
Doesn't this dandilion know it's autumn now?"
"Blow, blow!"
"No, I want to blow!"
"No, my turn!"
"Ewww, look, a yucky mushroom!"
"Another yucky mushroom!"
"Why are there so many different kinds of mushrooms?"
"Oooooh, look at all these leaves!
Can we run in them?"
"Of course! Let's all run!"
"Alright, it's starting to get dark now. Let's go home and see what Daddy's made us for dinner."
How did your kids play outdoors this week?
We don't do enough taking the indoors out, mainly because we live in an apartment building and it's a pain in the bazooka to lug stuff down the stairs and outside and then lug it all back in again. (Hence the reason we do so many of our outdoor activities that involve 'stuff' on the balcony.) I'm looking forward to doing more 'taking the indoors out' when we move into our own house in February, and large-scale weaving will definitely be on the list!
Sense of Wonder, please feel free to copy the button above to display on your blog!
And be sure to check out my co-hosts' pages to see what they picked to feature as their favourite outdoor play idea submitted last week.

Share your ideas for outdoor play activities with us every week! Here’s just a few guidelines for sharing.
- Any kind of children's outdoor play is welcome. If it happened outside, then please link it up!
- Please do not share any competitions, promotions, or posts that are not related to Outdoor Play.
- Please remember to link back to this post and help us spread the word about the importance (and fun!) of outdoor play! You can grab my button from the sidebar.
- Each week we will feature an activity from the previous week. By contributing you are giving permission for an image and link to your post to be republished.
We don't do enough taking the indoors out, mainly because we live in an apartment building and it's a pain in the bazooka to lug stuff down the stairs and outside and then lug it all back in again. (Hence the reason we do so many of our outdoor activities that involve 'stuff' on the balcony.) I'm looking forward to doing more 'taking the indoors out' when we move into our own house in February, and large-scale weaving will definitely be on the list!
Sense of Wonder, please feel free to copy the button above to display on your blog!
And be sure to check out my co-hosts' pages to see what they picked to feature as their favourite outdoor play idea submitted last week.

Shared at: I Can Teach My Child, The Play Academy, It's Playtime, Sun Scholars