Today we made these sparkling Star of David crafts at school (excuse the blurry photo, I took it on my phone). I can't take the credit for this idea, my creative teaching partner found it online and we did it together. (I can't find the page where she got it from, but you can find the same idea all over the web.)
They were very simple, though our more impatient students found they kept falling apart when they tried to pick them up before they were dry!
They used 6 popsicle sticks, blue paint, white glue, and silver glitter. After arranging and gluing the sticks in place, paint them blue (it would be best to wait for the glue to dry before painting). Brush a thin coat of white glue over the painted star, and sprinkle with glitter.
We used blue ribbon to hang them, and I must say they look so pretty hanging in my classroom window!