*Note: Pinners are always welcome at Mama Pea Pod, but the pictures on this particular post are ones that I myself pinned onto Pinterest. To ensure that the original source gets credited, please do not pin these two pictures directly from here as it will show this post as the source - instead, clicking on them will take you to my pin. From there you can repin onto your own board, with the original source intact. Better for the blogger who deserves the credit, and better for you to find the original post with instructions - better for everyone!
I am so excited that we are (finally!) moving to our new house in a month! I can't wait! Because of the move, I will probably be quite preoccupied for the next few weeks, so you may not see me around as much as usual.
In the meantime, if you follow along on Pinterest, you'll notice that these days I'm pinning lots of home ideas. In fact, there were getting to be so many that I had to reorganize them into separate boards for each area of the house! :-)
One of the things I'm most looking forward to about moving is having our very own garden to play and create in. I have so many ideas for creative outdoor play that I want to try! (See my outdoor play pinboard or our collaborative 'outdoor play linky ideas' board to see what ideas I'm collecting.)
And although I'm no gardener by any stretch, there are a few little kid-friendly garden projects I'd like to try - like these adorable planters made from the kids' outgrown wellie boots! (How cute are they?!) There are instructions and a link to the original crafter on the pin.
So, if I'm not here much, you can still find me on Pinterest or Facebook, or follow my tweets, and I'll post here whenever I have a bit of time. And if you're on Google+, you might also see me there!
Now, let the countdown begin!