Summer Bucket List
Today is our first day of summer holidays!! Woohoo! Last year we got through most, but not all, of our summer bucket list. This year, I'm including a few of the things we missed last year (like making DIY fossils), a few that we do every summer (like eating lobster), and a whole bunch of new ideas we've been saving up. This year I've divided it into Rainy Day Activities, Sunny Day Activities, and Any Day Activities. I'm sure I'll be adding to it as inspiration strikes or as the kids make requests, so check back later in the summer for more ideas.
Here is our 2012 Summer Bucket List:
Rainy Day Ideas:
Make a Go Animate video together ✔Visit the Discovery Centre ✔
Have a mother-daughter shopping date with Princess Pea ✔
Bake a cake
Make homemade play dough and create a small world ocean/small world mermaid play set-up (to go with our ocean-themed learning this summer)
Have a silly face contest ✔
Act out stories ✔
Make up stories together - maybe even make another book with Blurb if there's a lot of rainy days! ✔
Sunny Day Ideas:
Visit the fisheries museum (indoors and outdoors) ✔Go to the harbour front ✔
Check out a touch tank aquarium ✔
Go to the beach in Canada ✔ and
Go to the beach in Croatia and make comparisons between the two ✔
Make homemade bubbles
Do coloured bubbles painting
Play with ice ✔
Play outdoors! ✔
Run through the sprinklers ✔
Go strawberry picking ✔
Any Day Ideas:
Read The Rainbow FishHave lots of playdates ✔
Play with water beads
Make a Canada Day craft ✔
Make homemade fossils
Play/sing finger rhymes ✔
Have another Under The Sea dance-off
Eat lobster ✔
Eat watermelon ✔
Eat blueberries ✔
Make a DIY play kitchen
Learn about oceans and ocean life ✔
I hope you'll find these ideas inspiring, and if you make your own summer bucket list, I'd love for you to share it!