2 Quick Back to School Crafts!
It's back-to-school time for me, I'm afraid. So while I am busy getting back into the swing of things, I am leaving you with these two fun and simple back-to-school crafts we made last year at this time.
I'd love to say that I'm one of those teachers who just can't wait to get back to school and meet all their new students, but really I could happily live the summertime life at home with my two peas indefinitely! I never get bored of summer.
1. {Back to School Crafts: Flower Pencil Toppers and Sparkly Rings}
The best part of back-to-school time is all the new school supplies [affiliate link], right? ;-) At least, I've always thought so. So last August when I followed this link to a YouTube video tutorial from Simple Kids' Crafts for making flower rings, we adapted them to make them into pencil toppers, too!
[You'll need: pipe cleaners, glitter glue, pencils] [affiliate links]
Leave a couple of inches on the ends, and twist the pipe cleaner into loops to make flower petals (you can use a pencil to bend the loops around, or just do it by hand). Then twist the ends together and loop it round your finger. Twist to secure, making sure the pointy bits don't poke you. A dab of glitter glue makes them sparkle!
Then we just adapted them into pencil toppers too, by winding the ends around a pencil a few times. Because you know, writing is all the more fun if you've got a fancy, sparkly, flower topper on your pencil!
And there you have it - so easy and wouldn't they make great little gifts for new classmates or teachers?
2. {Back 2 School Craft in a Minute: Pencil Pot}
As I was getting my classroom set up I put together this pencil pot in, literally, a minute. I had a plain cardboard pencil pot (though you could just as easily use a can of some kind from the recycling box), and wrapped a couple of scrap ends of bulletin board borders around it. One around the top, another around the bottom, and taped them in place. Ta-dah! Done. Cute, no? I just love it! Think I'll have to make several more this year (and for the record, this one lasted through the whole school year in my classroom last year and is still in good enough condition to use this year, too!)