Mama Pea Pod was voted in the Top 10 for Red Tricycle's Most Awesome awards for Birthday Party Ideas! Thanks so much! x

Princess Pea just turned 6 (ahh!), and we celebrated this year with a Princess and the Pea party. It was the party of her dreams, pink and girly! One of the treats she served her royal guests was these 'Princess Pops'. They are so easy to make, and a pretty twist on the traditional smartie-on-a-marshmallow party treat my mum always made for birthdays when we were kids....
All you need is:
- *marshmallows (these were not easy for us to find here in Hungary and the only ones we eventually could get were a bit squashed, but you get what you get)
- *a big chocolate bar
- *sprinkles and sparkly balls for decorating
1. Melt the chocolate
Chocolate burns easily, so I'm sharing my melting tips: Break the chocolate bar up into individual squares and drop them into a pyrex measuring cup. Pop the measuring cup in the microwave set at low power and microwave in 30 second increments, stirring each time. Keep in mind that the chocolate may still look solid, but will turn liquidy when stirred. Be careful not to overheat it. If it is partly melted, you can probably just melt the rest by stirring the solid pieces into the melted bits until they melt in, too.
2. Dip the top of a marshmallow into the chocolate.
3. Quickly (while the chocolate is still liquid) dip it into a shallow dish of sprinkles or cake decorating balls. (I also tried using coloured sugar, but it just melts into the chocolate, so don't bother with that.)
That's it! So easy! If you find your chocolate gets hard before you are finished, just pop it back into the microwave for a few seconds to melt it again.
My original plan was to put these on sticks, but they are a bit top-heavy with the balls on them, so we just put them on a plate instead. If you use just the sprinkles and not the balls, you could put them on sticks.
More details of her Princess and Pea themed party to come!
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