{Salt and Watercolor Painting Dinosaur Party Invitations}

Salt and Watercolour Painting:

Dinosaur Party Invitations From Kids' Art

dinosaur birthday party invitations made from kids salt and watercolour art work

The kids loved the process of this salt and watercolour painting, which we then turned into dinosaur party invitations for Sweet Pea's dinosaur birthday party. Easy, colourful, and pretty!

 child making salt and watercolour paintings

First the girls did a watercolour wash over pieces of white paper in various colours.

salt and watercolour painting

Then while the paint was still wet, they sprinkled some salt onto the paper. It makes an interesting textured appearance in the paint. Sweet Pea got a bit carried away with the salt and we ended up having to brush off lots of excess salt afterwards! 

dinosaur birthday party invitations made from salt and watercolour artwork

Once the papers dried, I cut them out into dinosaur shapes. I started by making templates first on cardboard, which I'll try to make into a printable for you and add it later. Then we glued the dinosaur shapes onto coloured card stock - beautiful, colourful invitations made from the kids' artwork!

Stegasaurus art from salt and watercolours

If you have a dinosaur lover at your house, you might like these posts:

And I'll be posting more soon from our Dinosaur Party so check back again, or subscribe by email and get the posts directly to your inbox.
